Board Crazy Disclaimer

All information on this website constitutes personal opinion and non-professional advice. Skateboarding is a dangerous sport and while riding a skateboard safety clothing should be worn and due diligence should be exercised at all times. By reading this website you agree that under no circumstances is Board Crazy or it’s owner to be held liable for any personal injury, health care costs, damages or legal costs arising from the use of any piece of information gained from this website.

Board Crazy does not endorse or recommend any products that appear on the website. All products are presented on behalf of our carefully selected partner websites but Board Crazy users and/or the merchants they buy from are solely responsible for what they buy and no responsibility will be accepted by the website or it’s owner for compensation in light of a faulty or unsatisfactory purchase initiated via Board Crazy.

All videos on this website are supplied by Google Video and used legitimately under their terms of service. If you are the copyright holder of a video on this website and object to it’s use, please contact me and I will be happy to link to the original source or remove it if necessary.